
In our culture, we are actually bombarded with hypnotic programming every day, in the form of frightening news reporting or advertising designed to make us feel less so we will buy more. I think it’s helpful to reverse that trend by consciously reaching for positive and supportive “programming.” Here are just a few of my favorites in the mind-body-spirit category that many of my clients have also found helpful in seeking positive life change.


Letting Go: the Pathway of Surrender
by David R. Hawkins, Ph.D , M.D.
How to let go when you want to but it feels like you just can’t? The deceptively simply method offered by Dr. Hawkins in this book addresses how to make a practice of moving through the levels of “stuck” negative emotions and into gently releasing them. 

You Can Heal Your Life
by Louise Hay
This book or really anything by Louise Hay, a wonderful spiritual teacher, as she is always inspiring and supportive.

The Untethered Soul
by Michael Singer
An international best seller, Singer offers an eye-opening yogic perspective on how to release the critical inner voice in your head, or what he calls “your crazy inner roommate who never shuts up.”

It Didn’t Start with You
By Mark Wolynn
This book so impressed me that I enrolled in Wolynn’s Family Constellation Therapy training, which now informs many of my sessions. The weight of family trauma, even events that happened before we were born, can live in us and continue to affect our lives. Wolynn explains how, why, and gives helpful in-depth techniques to help release the past.

The Obstacle is the Way
by Ryan Holiday
This book, and his others as well as his social media, were incredibly helpful to many (including me!) during this difficult pandemic time. How to keep going when it might seem impossible? Holiday draws on the Stoic philosophers and brings them into modern times to help light the way.

How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can
By Amy Scher
A wonderful personal story and healing guide by a woman who refused to give up on her journey to find health and wholeness. Scher shares techniques she learned as well as some she personally created.

You Are the Placebo
by Dr. Joe Dispenza
A book full of practical tools to use your mind to promote your optimal body health and success, beginning with Dr. Joe’s personal journey of self-healing. This is his entry book; he has written more and produced videos well worth watching.

Love is Letting Go of Fear
By Gerald Jampolsky, M.D.
As Amazon says well: “After more than thirty years, Love Is Letting of Fear continues to be among the most widely read and best-loved classics on personal transformation. Both helpful and hopeful, this little gem of a guide offers twelve lessons to help us let go of the past and stay focused on the present as we step confidently toward the future.” I agree!

Apps & Podcasts

The Calm and Insight Timer” apps are great resources filled with all types of meditations, sound healing, nature sound recordings and more. They vary in length so it’s easy to use them to insert a little bit of peace into your day, even if you don’t have a lot of time.

Insights from the Edge – On this podcast, Sounds True company founder Tami Simon interviews the most interesting mind-body-spirit luminaries of the day, from yogis to time-management experts! Always uplifting, and Tami’s voice is a warm sound bath in itself!


Breathing: the Master Key to Self-Healing
By Andrew Weil, M.D.
This recording is from integrative medicine physician Andrew Weil, M.D. who turned to Eastern traditions like yoga for simple breathing exercises which can increase energy and lower blood pressure and anxiety levels. His open-minded yet science-based approach is well-known. The 4-7-8 breath sequence is my all-purpose favorite.

Sound Body, Sound Mind:
Music for Healing with Andrew Weil, M.D.
Beginning with a meditation from Dr. Weil, this disc presents an hour of symphonic sounds guided by the principles of “psychoacoustics,” a scientific field exploring the effects of sound on consciousness. Beautiful, calming and soothing sounds.


Brene’ Brown: The Call to Courage – This warm and funny Netflix special is all about “being brave in a culture ruled by fear and uncertainty.” Brown’s many best-selling books are also wonderful inspiration for anyone wanting to make changes in life. “I Thought It Was Just Me – But It Isn’t” is one of my favorites.

You Can Heal Your Life– Based on her book (see above), this documentary weaves a story of self-empowerment through interviews with teachers like Louise Hay, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Wayne Dyer and many others. Uplifting, and with a lovely piano-based score by multi-platinum artist Jim Brickman.

The Shift" - World-renowned author Wayne Dyer plays himself in this well-done film, inspired by his book of the same name, about finding the right path in life. Great production, great music, and some familiar faces like Portia de Rossi.


Beaches Hypnotherapy

Judith Leroux, CCHT

Certified Clinical & Transpersonal Hypnotherapist
Phone: (904) 303-4350

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